Monday, September 10, 2012


So, Matthew and I can be a little random at times. And every once in awhile we capture these moments on video. And at times we show these videos to those who love us the most because we know that despite our ridiculousness they will still love us and won't judge us too harshly.

Well, one such video was recently made and when the Taylor's came to visit they had the pleasure of viewing the video. They only watched it a few times, but not too long after the Taylor's returned home I received an email from Liz with a video attached with a description stating that this was a remake of the kids' new favorite movie. I assumed that this new favorite movie was "Over the Hedge" since that was the only movie I recalled them watching, but when I opened the video I was shocked and honored to find a remake of mine and Matthew's ridiculous movie! What was most impressive to me was that they remembered the exact wording. I enjoyed it so much and was laughing so hard that I cried. Actually, this remake is better than the original, especially when it comes to the videography.

Then just today I received another email from the Taylor clan with another movie. It wasn't an exact remake per se but there was a similar underlying theme.

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