Friday, April 29, 2011


I have to say that this last week was a hard one. All I did was study and when I wasn't studying I was worrying about failing this exam. How can I possibly remember everything I have learned AND know things that I haven't learned. Luckily, it's over! This morning at 7:30 am I went to the Prometric Testing Center on the U of U campus and after a short technical glitch and in just under 5 hours I finished the test of all tests in my career. My brain is fried and I have no clue if I passed, but at this moment I don't care; I did it; I took the test and came out without feeling, "Oh my goodness I failed that, there is no way I passed."

To celebrate I went to Crown Burger, got a gyro and sweet potato fries and brought it to Matthew's work where I had a late lunch with him. Even though I left the testing center with a headache from thinking so hard, I am so grateful it is done. I know the Lord helped me through it and I am even more grateful for that.

For dinner Matthew and I went out with the Branch Presidency to Coachman's Dinner and Pancake House on State Street. It was fun. I would say it was good food, but I didn't eat much because I had such a late, filling lunch. I felt bad because I didn't feel like I contributed much to any of the conversations, but it was fun to talk about different things and laugh at the memories we have shared at Friendship Manor thus far.

I graduate next week!!!

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